
I finally went on the famed pelagic! Land temps started in the mid-60s and dropped to the low 60s throughout the day. It was windy and foggy in the morning. Here’s what I wore…

  • Duffel coat parka
  • Light puff layer
  • Wind stopper gloves
  • Light smart wool base layer
  • fleece-lined leggings
  • wool compression socks
  • Arctic muck boots
  • Costa del mar sunglasses

I wish I would have worn my wool sweater for another layer, and brought a brimmed cap or visor. My feet actually got cold, so I could have potentially used some foot warmers to put in my boots. I also should have brought a light buff.

We got to see spotted dolphins which was probably my favorite sighting of the day! Also, a rehabber on board released a northern gannet from the boat which was neat to see.

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