As Valentine’s day season is well underway (yes, I’m one of those people) I decided to compile a (running) list of lifers that Paul and I saw together! This is the notation…
- heard only
- non-native
Lifers for Us
- boreal owl
- gyrfalcon
- Smith’s longspur
- garganey
- Say’s phoebe
- rufous-crowned sparrow
- common poorwill
- Bewick’s wren
- greater roadrunner
- black-capped vireo
- snowy plover
- Lewis’s woodpecker
- burrowing owl
- Florida scrub-jay
- limpkin
- snail kite
- gray-headed swamphen
- fulvous whistling-duck
- white-crowned pigeon
- ivory gull
- white-winged tern
- arctic tern
- lark bunting
- white-throated swift
- American dipper
- curve-billed thrasher
- pelagic cormorant
- glaucous-winged gull
- swallow-tailed gull
- chestnut-backed chickadee
- Steller’s jay
- bushtit
- common murre
- black turnstone
- black oystercatcher
- northwestern crow
- rhinoceros auklet
- marbled murrelet
- pigeon guillemot
- Brandt’s cormorant
- Vaux’s swift
- mew gull
- surfbird
- Pacific wren
- black-throated gray warbler
- Hutton’s vireo
- Pacific-slope flycatcher
- American three-toed woodpecker
- chestnut-collared longspur
- Greater sage-grouse
- lazuli bunting*
- Sprague’s pipit
- Gunnison sage-grouse
- canyon wren
- Woodhouse’s scrub-jay
- pinyon jay
*I’m pretty sure I heard LAZB in Yellowstone but this was my “sight lifer.”
Update Mar 2020
- Hoffmann’s woodpecker
- Lesser nighthawk
- Black-headed trogon
- Lesser ground-cuckoo
- White-lored gnatcatcher
- Elegant trogon
- Lesser greenlet
- Yellow-olive flycatcher
- Banded wren
- Palm tanager
- Gray-breasted martin
- Passerini’s tanager
- long-tailed tyrant
- piratic flycatcher
- gray-capped flycatcher
- black-cowled orioles
- common tody-flycatcher
- tropical pewee
- scarlet-thighed dacnis
- black-headed saltators
- green honeycreeper
- bay-headed tanager