I have recently started a new job in the Marine Bureau of NJ Dept of Environmental Protection! (Here is where I add the disclaimer that anything published on my blog is my own personal content, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of NJDEP.) I will still get to interface with Aves insofar as they interact with our fisheries, but given the new fish focus in my career, I am launching a new domain: birdv.fish
I will also be taking this opportunity to refocus/reorganize the content of my blog etc. there, though all of the content that is here will be archived and available there too. I will be looking into the best way to migrate email subscriptions if something needs to be done on that front, so stay tuned. Also, my upcoming retirement of this domain casts it back into the sea for a new owner. Originally, I snagged this domain name with hopes of turning this page more broadly into something of an avian ecology news blog, but I never got around to converting it from my own personal research/birding blog. Years ago, I took some time to put together more general interest content, but that has fallen by the wayside in my current endeavors. So, I leave it to the adoption of perhaps someone who can do this title more justice. I will still be here for now as I get the new site up and running, but please add your bookmark now (as you can see on the link, currently it is just a clone of this site!)